I bless and praise G-d for the precious life of his son Ernest Lloyd! his service in the IMJA was honorable and a great inspiration for several generations, and his testimony will remain a beautiful light that reflects the love of Yeshua.
Is the men of G-d and a servant more sweet than I've known, and his life, during the last 13 years of our friendship, was an inspiration to me (and to hundreds of people). Over the years we wrote many letters and talked on the phone. I'm crying at his departure but my consolation is that he is with G-d who served and loved with all his heart.
We will see each other with our Heavenly Father, my dear Ernest... is the way you say to me the last time we talked on the phone!
“Precious in the sight of the LORD [is] the death of his saints” (Psalm 116:15)
Myriam Levy, Vice President International Messianic Jewish Alliance
Ernest was a man who took an enormous interest in the witness of the Free Church [of Scotland] and understood the support and understanding of the Free Church in the past. His links with many Free Church families go back over at least 50 or 60 years. My own appreciation of him is more recent, but I found him a most agreeable companion when, as a member of Council of CWI, I often sat with him in the meetings of Council. His dedication to his Lord, his appreciation of what would be useful in the extension of the work, his wisdom in evaluating character and his judgement on specific situations reflected profound godliness and a life lived in the light of his Saviour.
His graciousness, his wisdom, his humour and his vision will be sadly missed, but fondly remembered.
Rev William Mackay, former member of the Council of Christian Witness to Israel
Thank you for conveying the passing away to glory of our dear Brother Ernest.
I got your earlier news that he had gone into a home for care, so the news was not unexpected; although I was hoping the Lord will keep him until the Messiah whom he loved and for his cause he served until the coming of the Lord. I am certain the Lord would have said to him, “Well done, my faithful servant”.
I first came to know him when he came to Sri Lanka in the early sixties. I was in my twenties when I first came to know the Lord through the reading of the Word; thus I would go to any meeting to learn more of God’s word; not worried about denominational barriers. When Ernest came to Sri Lanka; he conducted studies in the mornings at the Bible Society. I used to go early mornings to these studies before I went to work. He also demonstrated the Jewish Passover at the Brethren Assembly in the city and I went to that meeting too I always thank the Lord for him, for he was the one the Lord used to teach me Israel’s special place in the Lords plan and purposes.
A few years after this meeting, the Lord was calling me to the Christian ministry; I was running away from it but ultimately the Lord got me and He opened the door as an independent student at South Wales Bible College. Again, in the Lords providence, Ernest came to minister unto us and I made myself known to him and thanked him for his ministry in Sri Lanka. The next and the last time I met him was during 1969/70 when I was ministering in an evangelical church in Gorseinon which is near Swansea and again I renewed fellowship with him and it was he who put me on the mailing list of the CWI.
I do praise the Lord for Ernest, who had the love of Christ in his life and ministry. I do thank and praise the Lord that he gave me the privilege in meeting him and have fellowship with him in the service for the spread of the gospel. Our loss is heaven’s gain; but the comforting thought is that one day we will meet him in glory; there will be no more separation.
Jonathan Chin
I would like to convey my sincere sympathies to you as a close friend of Ernest, and to all of the staff at CWI who loved him so much.
Ernest was always a tremendous blessing to me, and I have many happy memories of sitting around the dining table in Vancouver with him as he regaled us with wonderful, warm conversation.
Those who would like to imagine that as “Messianic Jews” today they are better than Ernest’s generation of “Hebrew Christians” can be reminded that in their day, Ernest and others were by no means less revolutionary than the modern generation in asserting their Jewish identity while passionately embracing the Man from Nazareth.
Daniel Nessim, Executive Director, Chosen People Ministries (UK)
I first met Ernest about 60 years ago at the home of my aunt and her companion. To that lad of 12 he appeared an enormous chap and a bit overwhelming. He was a big man, of course, not only in stature but in spirit. Years later he became a dear friend and valued colleague during my work for Spanish Gospel Mission. This friendship continued after retirement until his death. Ernest's life was filled with Christ and a desire for his glory and he worked tirelessly for that end. He was a man with a great heart. Now another Mr Greatheart has passed over and this earthly scene is the less for his passing.
Matthew W Hill <><
Many thanks for the communication. We had the GREAT pleasure of regular visits with him over the time he has been in the home ... and for years before that when we met him in S. Africa.
We will MISS him - but THANK GOD for the privilege of his friendship ... the Christian's HOPE is a great comfort!
Billy & Freda Farr.
He was a truly remarkable man. I am astonished heaven could get along so well for so long without him, but it is now a richer place and we are the poorer - temporarily. Thank you so much for passing on the news so promptly.
Elizabeth Arbuthnot
Thank you for letting us know of Ernest Lloyd's passing into the presence of the Lord. In that place of eternal safety we can rejoice he is there, even though he will be greatly missed by those who knew him. I only met him about 2-3 times, the last time being at a delightful meal with him and Tom Lori in dear Kathleen Thirtle's home, when I discovered his mischievous sense of humour!
Margaret E Martin
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