This Sunday, 14 May, demonstrations will be staged across the Palestinian Authority to mark the “Nakba” (the “catastrophe”), the Arabic term used to describe the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948.
Jews in Israel are planning a Zionist response to the planned activities. Had the state of Israel been established earlier than it was, the real “catastrophe” – six million Jews murdered in the Death Camps of Europe, who had nowhere to escape to – would have been avoided.
Activists from the Samaria Residents’ Council plan to stand at major intersections throughout Israel and hand out Israeli flags to drivers, stating:
“This Sunday, we will all raise with pride the flag of Israel.
“‘Nakba Day’ is translated into Hebrew as Yom Hashoah [Holocaust Remembrance Day].
This is how the ‘Palestinian’ Authority leadership has chosen to refer to the establishment of Israel. Indeed, it is not surprising, since at the head of that terror authority is Holocaust denier Abu-Mazen [Mahmoud Abbas].
“This year the Authority is trying to intensify the events of that day, as a propaganda step on the way to their one-side declaration of a state in September.
“The hysteria which the PA and its PR people from the far left are trying to inflict on the citizens of Israel is nothing but a balloon filled with hot air.
“They too know very well that according to international law, only whoever is controlling an area can establish a state, and to our delight Israel is the one controlling it. Those PR people who are trying to frighten the public in Israel remember well that the UN already voted in 1988 in favour of the establishment of a ‘Palestinian’ state (by a majority of 104 against 2) and Arafat even officially declared it. All this had no meaning since Israel controls most of Judea and Samaria, the cradle of the Jewish people, and protects the whole country from there [ the high ground of Judea and Samaria overlooks the entire coast of Israel, its most populated urban area which, in other hands, would make that part of Israel vulnerable to missile attacks].
“On Sunday, we will all raise the Israeli flag everywhere: on cars, on our homes and on our Facebook accounts.
“Hundreds of thousands of Israeli citizens in cities across the country will raise the flag along with us.
“We will raise the flag proudly, and say to the world: ‘Am Yisrael Chai’[the people of Israel live]!”
Of course, the establishment of the Jewish state was a catastrophe for Arabs living in the land. But the Jews were not the cause of the Nakba; it was the Arab leaders who refused to recognise the Jewish homeland and launched an attack on Israel the day it was founded. If the Arab nations had been prepared to concede land, the catastrophe of loss of life on both sides of the conflict could have been avoided.
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